10 Must-Do Adventures in Arches National Park

10 Must-Do Adventures in Arches National Park

These are the 10 adventures in Arches National Park that we believe are a “must-do”.  So get on your hiking shoes and put on your backpack, because it’s time to see the best in Arches!




1. Delicate Arch

This is the most popular trail in Arches and you will see why once you personally view the majestic Delicate Arch with your own eyes.  This 3 mile roundtrip hike is great for families and is well marked with cairns.

Delicate Arch is located at the north east end of the park.




2. Devils Garden

You will see many arches on this trail, including one of the longest arches in the world: Landscape Arch!  You will end the 4 mile roundtrip hike at Double O Arch and if you want to extend your hike, you can hike the remaining half mile to the monolith called: Dark Angel.  This adventure has some minor rock scrambling, but nothing too dangerous!

Devils Garden is located at the north west end of the park.




3. Sand Dune Arch

Sand Dune Arch

This is a fast side-stop to a great short arch inside a very narrow slot canyon.  It’s called Sand Dune Arch because the arch is located, well, right on a sand dune!  If the weather is hot and you are looking for an adventure in the shade, visit Sand Dune Arch!

Sand Dune Arch is located at the north end of the park.




4 and 5. The Windows and Double Arch

This short but sweet trek won’t last more than a half hour and you get to see Turret Arch, and both the North and South Windows!  You can see all three of these incredible sandstone landmarks from the parking lot, but it’s worth the little effort to do the loop trail to see them up close!

Double Arch is located near the Windows and is another short hike see two connected arches!  This arch was filmed as part of the first Indiana Jones movie!

The Windows and Double Arch are located at the north west end of the park.




6. Balanced Rock

This is also a short and sweet hike around wonderful Balanced Rock!  It took us about 15 minutes to walk around the entire loop, but you could easily see it from your car!  I love coming here and taking night photos with the stars and Balanced Rock!

Balanced Rock is located at the center of the park.




7. Park Avenue

This is a great adventure that may require a shuttle system.  If you don’t have two vehicles then you could hike to the other parking lot and then back to where you started.  Or what most people do, is that they start at the south parking lot and hike a little bit and then come back!  Either way this hike makes you feel like you are on Park Avenue in New York City!  The thin “fins” of sandstone surround you until just about the north parking lot where you will see Sheep Rock and also the Three Gossips.

Park Avenue is located right after you go up the winding road from the park entrance.




8. The Tunnel

This is a hidden adventure in Arches National Park and is one that you won’t forget!  This requires a bit of route finding, but you won’t be disappointed when you see this incredible tunnel on the side of some cliffs.

The Tunnel is located right after Park Avenue.




9. Ring Arch Hike

Hiking to Ring Arch is a unique and fun trek through Courthouse Wash.  This thin arch stands alone in a seldom visited part of the park and there are even some petroglyphs to be seen too.  This route will take some orientation skills, but overall it’s not a difficult adventure.

Ring Arch is located right after Park Avenue.




10. Courthouse Wash Petroglyphs

This significant rock art panel is located near the city of Moab, but still inside the national park boundaries (right on the edge!).  Some of my favorite pictographs are on this panel!  It’s  short hike and one you will be happy you did!  Take lots of pictures and remember not to touch or deface the rock art.

Courthouse Wash Petroglyphs are located near the city of Moab



Always remember to try and pick up some trash on every adventure you go on!  This is what we strive to do at The Trek Planner.  Even if it’s the smallest candy wrapper you find in the parking lot, every little bit helps!




What do you think of our list? Let us know in the comments below!

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